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Public Intellectual Series

Inserting ourselves into the conversation about the world we’ll live in come 2050. Public forums held at venues throughout the community that are attended by community, faculty, and students from institutions around the city of South Bend, Indiana.  Check out our calendar to view our upcoming events. 

Ubuntu Spirit: Storytelling to Overcome Trauma (ongoing)

The purpose is to articulate a theology of healing that we may call upon it in the midst of trauma. The frameworks will be world religions because they envision a better humanity. They call this transformation different names: harmony, mokshe, Dao, jina, semei-shin, nirvana, jun-zi, restoration, peace. No tradition claims we can heal without first surviving pain, sometimes beyond imagining.


Through the arts we will promote individual growth and practice collective healing following one's chosen spiritual path. To respond to trauma and promote recovery we must begin with fundamentals, not the results. This is the essence of primary prevention.

Holding Hands _edited.jpg

Pauli Murray Series:    (ongoing)

Pauli Murray, the Civil Rights, Feminist, and Worker's Rights leader, died for the cause. Murray was not shot down in a blaze a gunfire but was killed one hospitalization at a time for refusing to quietly stay in their lane and conform to the statuses designated for them by society--and even by some people precious to them.


The Pauli Murray Series explores how they overcame obstacles of injustice and fought for equality. We illuminate their journey as they rose up for a cause much greater than themselves. Expand your knowledge of this iconic leader and experience a powerful moment in our history. 


PUBLIC INTELLECTUALS, Fall 18_Human Rights, pauli murray-1977.jpg

Where does food really come from? (archieved)

Picture this: Corporate farming in the United States. Food that is unhealthy. Produced by agribusiness that is killing small growers. Damage to the environment. Harmful and abusive practices to both animals and employees.


How can our communities become full participants when growing food is a multimillion dollar, global business – and people are just mouths for making profits?

Local Market Merchant

Songs Across the Divide (archieved)

Human rights should be protected for all, especially when you have already survived an earthquake, cholera, and a hurricane. The people of Mozayik need us to hear their story. Augustin Mona performs original  music to save Village Mozayik, Haiti. Discussion to follow.

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“Births of a Nation”: Art or Propaganda (archived)

In 1915 the film led to the resurgence of the KKK.   The 2016 remake sought to reclaim the title to challenge racism and white supremacy. What can the two films teach us about healing and sustained systemic change?

Pose at Protest

Burnout, Spirituality, and the Names of the God (archived)

Session 1: The Old Gods and Invisible Religions of Slavery — Black history did not start with slavery.


Session 2: Religion as Control and Resistance — Respectability is a terrible, swift, and double-edged sword.


Session 3: The Old Gods, the Newer Gods, and the One God, The One sees all, knows all, connects us all.  Has Technology become the new religion?

Divine Healing

Peace, Violence, and Music

Today’s media bombards us with news of shootings in our neighborhoods. By now we can recite their names, we have done so too often. What can we do beyond the public forums and the BBQs and the kumbaya’s?  Perhaps there are signposts in the music…

Street Performer Playing Guitar
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